
Chalupas and Yankees

For the life of me, I can’t find out for sure who the ad agency behind the Taco Bell/ Yankees spot shown above is. I think it’s either TBWA Chiat/Day or DraftFCB but again I am not sure. If anyone knows for sure please leave a comment below. If you’ve watched any preseason baseball on TV then I’m sure you have all seen it at least once.

The whole idea behind the spot is that they use a baseball metaphor to present the joke behind the spot. In the spot the rookie can’t finish the job of eating the whole Chalupa so the manager (Joe Girardi) pulls the rookie out and brings in veteran pitcher Mariano Rivera to finish the job.

Does the spot make you guys wonder why these two wealthy Yankees need to be making Taco Bell commercial appearances? But I guess, make your money while you can, right?


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