Campaigns,  Creative,  video

Year 2017 Most Watched Ads on Google’s YouTube

It’s time for the year-end lists, and here’s a fun one—the 2017 YouTube Ads Leaderboard, featuring the most-watched ads on the video platform this year.

You’ll recognize many of the spots, from Super Bowl commercials (Mr. Clean, Kia, Budweiser) to well-known celebrity spots (Natalie Portman for Miss Dior, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson” for Apple).

Remarkably, the No. 1 spot on the list, with more than 150 million views, comes from India. It’s a Samsung spot that we wrote about back in January, shortly after it broke and began pulling in views by the millions in just its first few days.

See all 10 spots below, along with their global view counts for the year.

Note: To be eligible for the YouTube Ads Leaderboard, videos must be marked as ads on YouTube (i.e., they get some paid views) but must also earn significant organic views. The algorithm factors in paid views, organic views and audience retention (how much of a video people watched).

See them all on Adfreak.

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